I departed Carp CYRP mid-morning 23 July – my birthday. Last minute packing and a late departure, isn’t that always the way? Thunderstorms reported south of Lake Superior led to a change of plans. Instead of clearing customs at Drummond Island MI, and following the south shore of Lake Superior, I opted to follow the North shore of Superior to Thunder Bay.
The air was clear but bumpy with scattered cumulus all the way from Carp to North Bay and Sudbury, and then directly over Chapleau to Wawa for fuel. Lots of radio traffic from firefighting teams working around Chapleau and Wawa, and some smoke, but a nice flight.
Fuel Stop - CYXZ Wawa
On the ground in Wawa, I met Gordon Ross, who had just finished fuelling his very nice Aeronca. He was calling it quits and heading for the hotel. He gave me a quick weather update – thunderstorms now forecast north of the lake – and he told me that we were probably staying in Wawa overnight. His ride into town was waiting and I still had to get fuel. After I paid my bill, I phoned Flight Service and was told that the thunderstorms were intense south of Superior, but the northern route as far as Thunder Bay was forecast to stay clear. I filed for Thunder Bay, and ran back to the Husky. I knew that my weather window might be closed tomorrow.
I made Thunder Bay late that afternoon, a smooth flight along the north shore, maintaining 2000 ft over the islands and admiring the scenery that used to pass far below my wing when I flew the Baron. Every hotel room in Wisconsin and Minnesota would be filled that night by pilots heading for Oshkosh. I held up short in Thunder Bay that evening, to give myself an opportunity for a good night’s rest, since I knew the next day would be a long flight and into a headwind all the way. That night I had a quiet supper and planned the next day’s flight.
Tied down in CYQT Thunder Bay
One final thought before drifting off to sleep, why do I always pick that hotel with the indoor water park that is hosting a soccer tournament?
Day One – CYRP Carp – CYXZ Wawa – CYQT Thunder Bay; Total Flight Time 7.0 hrs; avg speed 95 kts
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