After several days of camping and flying around Johnson Creek, I loaded up my gear and prepared to fly home. The morning of my departure, we all flew up to Elk City (S90) for breakfast.
S90 Elk City, Idaho
There is one narrow, curved grass runway at Elk City, designated as 14 and 35. Yes, it has a kink in the middle. It is shaped like a hockey stick, and it is narrow, with trees and brush on both sides.
I could see Darryl’s Cessna 206 already parked, so I figured there was room for the Husky.
The Curved Runway, Elk City
Transient Parking
We walked about 100 metres into town, a sleepy but friendly little place that probably sees lots more activity during the hunting season. We found most of the local population was having breakfast at the general store. As we walked in, someone asked who was the Canadian and how I liked my Husky. Everyone had been watching when we flew over the town on final.
The General Store
The couple at the next table leaned over and introduced themselves, it was John and Trish McKenna from Bozeman, Montana. I had read some of John's writing on the Recreational Aviation Foundation. John and Trish were travelling through the area in their Jeep after having flown into the area many times. John told me “if you are Canadian and you fly a Husky, then you know Paul”. Of course, he was talking about Paul Nopper, who wrote the articles that got me interested in this kind of flying. John told me that I was now part of the "Husky Cult".
Following breakfast, it was time to say goodbye to the guys and start heading home. We promised to do something similar next year. Dave told me about a couple of good fuel stops in Montana and North Dakota with self-serve fuel pumps and overnight facilities for transients. Dave recommended Helena Montana for my first fuel stop. “It’s more than just a fuel stop, you’ll see”, he said.
Johnson Creek - Elk City (S90) Idaho, 30 Jul 05 (officially listed as Runway 14-35, runway curves like a Bobby Hull hockey stick)
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